Mazel Tov Carla & David! Wedding @ The Palms Hotel Miami Beach, Florida


The first time I met this guy, he was two weeks before his bar mitzvah, pulling on his aunt’s hair at the dinner table… That being my wife’s hair, naturally I wanted to beat him. Now he’s all grown up, owns and runs an amazing South American boutique tour company and has brought a wonderful woman into our family’s lives. Now they both live in Peru, but since his mom and dad and the rest of the family live in the US, they held their wedding at a place where it seems Peru and all of South America and the Caribbean are just a drink order away. Together with friends from around the world, they shared their vows and celebrated the uniting of two families once worlds apart, now together as family. And yes, this was the day before Passover. Next year in Machu Picchu?

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